What is the third web?
Today, the Third Web is being hyped in a lot of places, but what is it really about? Lets take a look. 😸
decentralized web
In the beginning, the web was decentralized. This was web 1.0. This web was decentralized, but was very technical, and user content was non-existent. Then came the time of social media, and large centralized servers, which were easily hackable. Web 3.0 plans to bring back decentralization, with security
- Web 1.0
- desktop browsing
- e-commerce
- Infrastructure
- Web 2.0
- mobile revolution
- social media
- the cloud
- Web 3.0
- Blockchain
- Artificial Intelligence
- Edge Networks
So, lets take a look at each Web3 technology
Edge Networks - These are data centers being moved into the edge, getting data as close to the user as possible, even directly in the users devices!
AI (Artificial Intelligence) - Artificial intelligence and Machine learning algorithms have become powerful enough to create useful, beyond human, predictions. When added to new decentralized data structures giving access to a hordes of data that would be the envy of today’s data giants, the potential of these applications go far beyond targeted ads into areas like precision materials, drug design, climate modelling, architecture, nano-material design and more.
Blockchain - Programmed blockchain and dapps are the future. from Nft collectibles to meme-currencies, blockchain is expanding everywhere. Helping a permission-less, border-less, secure web.
The apps of the future
So, web2 had its apps, but what are the apps of web3? Well, we have some ideas
Developers for the third web
Every web needs developers, and the third web will too, so you should get started!
the tools include
- ethers.io
- web3.js
- solidity
getting started with each
<script type="module">
import { ethers } from "https://cdn.ethers.io/lib/ethers-5.0.esm.min.js";
// Your code here...
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/web3/1.3.5/web3.min.js"></script>
let web3 = new Web3(Web3.givenProvider || "ws://localhost:8545");
this, has no real starting point, but lots of templates, get them here
hope you start developing dapps, contact me if you make a good one! 👋